What is the problem, what can it be?
My web is silk and always a comfort to me.
Mine is not always a comfort, I say.
It sometimes goes wrong, and it has for today!
"whether we like it or not, if we're working with kids in schools, we have a responsibility to understand what Facebook is all about, even if it's just to the extent that we participate there for ourselves." (p. 132)This is where I am coming from right now - everyone is using Facebook, so I need to understand it and know what it is all about. Although they are too young to actually have Facebook accounts, I know that there are students at my elementary school who have them. Many of my friends use Facebook to communicate and I know that most parents at my school use it.
It is time for top-down approaches to schooling to give way to the active, engaged, and collaborative teaching and learning relationships made possible by new educational technologies. Teaching in a Participatory Digital WorldTeachers are now guides to assist students in creating knowledge and meaning from the vast amount of information they are immersed in.
"we must become connected and engaged in learning in these new ways if we are to fully understand the pedagogies of using these tools with our students." (p. x)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/hungrybrowser/2879853255/ |